Energy Balancing

Bring the mind, body and spirit into balance through releasing energetic blockages


$125.00 per person



About this experience

Energy Balancing is a hands-off energy modality to bring mental, emotional, and energetic blocks to your conscious awareness. Awareness is a key ingredient in disengaging from unhelpful cycles. Through muscle-testing your facilitator will help you decipher what cycles, beliefs, emotions, and other energies you may be subscribing to that may be limiting you! This method is not passive, but rather requires your active attention and mental decision-making skills to empower self and actively steer your energy in the direction you want it to go, deciding on new mental and energetic cycles and patterns to follow-through with.

Taking personal responsibility for your own well-being in each session, your facilitator is only a guide while you are in charge of your session. Each mental or energetic shift can be processed quickly or slowly depending on your need and each session could cover a few or many energies and cycles. Some clients may already be aware of what blocks and cycles they feel stuck in and will be walked through visualizations and breathing techniques to release! If greater awareness is needed your facilitator will use a muscle-testing technique to decipher what areas need attention! Each Energy Balancing session will utilize an extensive chart to decipher what needs to be verbalized and validated!

Energy Balancing can help you release trapped emotions, shift out of energetic cycles you may have felt stuck in, align chakras, subscribe to more helpful empowering beliefs and open up to deeper connection.

Where: Regenrus Wellness Center | 100 W. Oak Street #G110 Denton TX, 76201

**Located in the TX Building Ground Floor on the Downtown Denton Square.

Costs: $125

Bring: Comfortable clothes and water

Nourish yourself to Nourish Others. Through your purchase you are nourishing others by purchasing with purpose. A portion of proceeds from this purchase are being donated to RegenrusCARES™ our 501(c)(3) non profit benefiting people, animals and our planet. Visit to learn more. 

Your Host

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Janna focuses on helping her clients be conscious of what energy they hold in their bodies and from there become conscious creators of their relationships and lives! Having grown up living in Shanghai, China she was able to learn about Chinese medicine and holistic healing from a young age. Janna has a background in massage therapy, crystal healing, and Emotion Code certified. Janna loves helping her clients clear mental blocks and shift into new emotional vibrations!